Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snippets Of Kai's Wedding (II)

Date : 01/01/2010
Time : 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Venue : Some Chinese restaurant in Ipoh :p
Happening? : YES!! All because I was drunk and wasted, hahaha! :D
At Tapah R&R
Our lodging
Now, photos from the dinner :)
Must be a very intense conversation
Stage backdrop
Ready to "shoot" the couple!
Happily married :)
The band that night - Mangroove Band
The siao gang. Always the first to heat up the occasion :)
First serving of the night at the main table
The yum-seng session that does not have a time
Pop the champagne
Toasting session
With Wendy, again :)
Some funny faces that you can see that night :)
This boy gets my vote for the night!
Let's get it grooving!
The couple & the band
This was how I ended my night - WASTED =.=
I was lucky not to suffer any hang over the next day XD


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