Wednesday, April 1, 2009


A day ago, I received 3 missed calls from this particular number 2333****. I called back but it was an answering machine, without stating who it represent.

On April's Fool Day,
I decided to pull a prank on Mei Ling by telling her someone hit my car and I'm now in the police station. She fell for it.

Little did I know, she came back with vengeance...

LML: i know the number 2333****, because this number got call me too.hahaha
Vincent: really? what number is that?
LML: i m not goin to tell u...
Vincent: har? why not?
LML: i dont want to tell..
Vincent: wey, don't like that la. who is that calling?
LML: hahaha. who ask u fooled me this morning
Vincent: not related ok, fastar tell
LML: accenture called
Vincent: shit... they never call me back...
LML: yalah, u nv asnwer for 3 times
Vincent: then how?!?!??! i want!!!!
LML: ohhh
Vincent: wasted.... really wasted....
LML: how ah?? hmmm...
Vincent: don't know la. now mm song
LML: ohh dont be like dat la.. i give u alternative number to call them, 03-2383****
Vincent: call them then say what?
LML: errrr... haiya, nvm la... wait for them to call u back
Vincent: i'm not satisfied ahhhh
LML: nvm laa...dearr its alright... i will ask them to call u okay?
Vincent: how you ask? they call you to go interview or what?
LML: they call me whether want to increase the amount of the usage for my credit card and also with a lower interest rate *grins*..
Vincent: .................. some more....
LML: no more, that's all... hehehe
Vincent: no no, got MORE. come, don't stop
LML: darlinggg~~~ i love u
Vincent: no no ,don't change topic. faster, tell me MORE
LML: dont have la... no more laaaa... dddddddddddeaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr
Vincent: what bank is that?
LML: citibank
Vincent: IS IT????
LML: yeah lor. dear, dont be mad laaaa
Vincent: so what is the actual number that called you?
LML: 23331***

Boo hoo~


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