Along the period, I was away to Cameron Highlands (to celebrate mum's 50th birthday, 25th-27th April) and Penang (for cousin bro's house warming, 9th-10th May).
Next month (3rd June), will be heading down to Penang once more for cousin bro's wedding. Really looking forward to it :) He will be my 5th cousin to tie the knot, hehehe.
Oh yea. End of the year, another cousin of mine will be tying the knot too! He's gonna be the 6th.
It feels like a race to the finish line - who's getting married first and last, hahaha.
Don't ask me when's my turn cos I'm only 24. But I gotta think for my other half. Hm... You'll see :)
Anyways, here are some photos that I took in Cameron Highlands. I'll upload more photos when I get it from mum :)
[Sorry Ai Mei, for the late post up, hehehe]
Day 1
Ahhh... The sunny day light and the smell of tea leaves. Nature :)
Well, that's all for now. I promise to upload them tonight, hahaha. Hopefully those are not white lies ;p
I could smell white lies!
Anyway thanks for uploading the pics. But hey I really miss cameron highlands alot, would be lovely to put that into my travel list.
Oh well where is smokehouse? Nv heard of it before.
you smell it? oh no... actually yea, hahaha. i still need to dig out those photos from the camera.
smokehouse is nearby the golf course. the turn-in junction is right at a corner. you gotta slow down and watch out for the sign and any incoming cars :)
it's like a wooden house... that looks like those english olden days kinda house.
wat's with guys n sitting on cannon ah?? bf did the same also while in Melacca....pphhhhhh
i did not sit on the cannon. i was grabbing it, lol.
well duh!!!......look like u straddling it Ooookay
camera trick ;p
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