Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Night Of Incidents

While Kanye West is being an ass towards Taylor Swift in the recent VMA 2009, I have met some stuck up people too last night. These people have they similarity - when they lose temper/ you outsmart them, they'll hurt you in any way.

Obviously, I think Kanye was protecting his culture but he could have done it at the back of the stage, instead of national tv. Well, anyway... He sucks.
She thought he'll congratulate her...
... But it was otherwise. Taylor looked dumbfounded...
... Yup, like an ass that he has always been.
Taylor is a young and huge talent at her age. I've always admired her. It's great that she didn't break down in the middle of the stage. That would probably spoil her make up :) And kudos to Beyonce Knowles for standing up for Taylor, awesome sight ;)

Anyways, for my side of the story, we've been playing futsal with the SAME bunch of people, with the SAME attitude and SAME attitude for the past 2 years. 2 years on and they still never change. Why? Ego, my friends. Emotions run high, tempers flare.

When people get too emotional during a game, they eventually forgotten about sportsmanship. This is an eye-sore. They always try to prove to everyone how good they are and all, okay, but do it like a professional.

Trust me, every night, they just gotta play rough. 2 person in particular. Honestly, what do you get from that???

Oh yea. One shit thing about it is that they'll drunk themselves before coming for the game. WTF right?? This is when they get extremely rough and bringing all their unsporting behavior to the court. I thought of suggesting to give them a ban but I don't have the final say.

So, last night was the final straw. V lost his temper and screwed M after the game cos M was blaming V for not being able to control his team. V stated that M should be telling to us, NOT him, which I 100% agreed with him. What an ass! Ass#2 goes to M. Sorry, you gotta take your turn to be #1.

However, in the court was a different story. M loves to give everyone a kick and elbow which I've been on the receiving end far too many times. I told him nicely to not to raise his elbow too much or to stick his leg in for any kinda reasons. As ass as he can be, he ignored.

Then comes the biggest ass for all time. I could only named him as B. He, in particular, has high level of testosterone. No kidding. He goes in with a tackle, runs his mouth and shows people who's boss. Now, this is Ass#1.

I'm really sick having to play with these 2. Each and every time we play, we gotta tell ourselves not to play rough on them but they are just as bull as they can be.

B ran into me once early in the game. I was okay with it cos it was unintentional. He then apologizes and the game carried on. The second time he ran into me was deliberate! And with that impact, I uttered a loud noise. He came up to me on the spot and asked:
B: What happened huh?? (I knew he was gonna be unhappy about something)
Me: It's okay, just carry on.
B: Then why you said *something* (Couldn't hear what was he mumbling)
Me: I never say anything.

The game played on. Once I received the ball and within a split second, B came from behind and lunged into me. WTF?!?!?! Seriously, this is so damn unprofessional! Right now, my ankle hurts because of that.

Not only these. I got screwed before for bringing friends who are not that good in futsal. And one of them even condemned my friend in front of everyone!

Those kinda incidents really put the game off and people eventually lose interest for the remaining of the game. How are we suppose to enjoy when the opponents are always drunk and they start playing rough? Sigh!

Though we settled our differences after the game, deep inside me I think that's so unnecessary. I owe him NO apology and I stand by that. I play to make friends, NOT foes.

To the 2 of you, please join the professional league instead. Perhaps this time you'll get the beating of your life.

'Nuff said.


You know. said...

I believe I have played with both the individuals you singled out in this post and have expressed my dissatisfaction pertaining to the mindset and attitude of those two to you in the past. Since I'm an "outsider" or "guest" for your regular futsal sessions, I tend not to make a fuss about all this, I have seen worst throughout the years of playing football. However, since that you have made a post about it, I would just like to suggest that those two pillocks should not be invited to your future futsal sessions. What irks me more than people who do not know how to play football but think they do are people who have rubbish mindset and total disrespect on the pitch. One's asinine behaviour can disrupt the mood of other players and I do not see why this should be tolerated in a game of football, especially since it is meant to be a friendly game. Rest assured, you will not be at loss if those two do not play in the future sessions.

Vincent Teh said...

you sounded like someone who is close to me. anyways, thanks for your comment on this post.

being competitive is good in a game. but not to have good sportsmanship sucks. we can't really tell them to go easy on their tackles and all cos they'll get sensitive and offended about it. just like when i didn't say anything, he gets upset. why bother to explain?

and i do agree with you that such behavior can disrupt the mood and also the flow of the game.

at times, i just wished to walk out of the court.

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