Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lately #4

There are a lot for me to say and I've decided to blog it in my other blog (Wordpress) for the past few days.

Those that I wrote there are just too much for me to post it up right here or to open it up to the public to read it.

I've been going through a lot recently, let's just say LIFE instead of just pointing my fingers on each and every single problems that I encountered.

It may be the most remarkable thing ever that had happened to me. Or it could spell disaster that it happened.

And I just screwed myself up by typing a freaking long entry and at the end of it, having all deleted =.= What's wrong with the "Publish" button?!?!

Sigh... I can't continue ranting, it has been a tiring week that I had. Plans that have been made are all... Swept away. Perhaps, it's not meant to be to begin with. I've to accept it.

And also, I'm planning for a new layout for my blog. It has been so DULL for like a very long time, I know =.= I'll be changing it pretty soon, stay tuned ;) As for now, I'll be using the pre-defined template first :D

Come what may in the future.



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